Wednesday, October 27, 2010


还记得阿嚒过世的前一晚,我还在家。二伯还叫了’po tan’来家里为阿嚒念经祷告。隔天下午,二姐就打电话来告诉我说阿嚒去世了。当时的我还在上课,听到这样的消息感觉有点而假。我并没有太大的反应,只是转过身去跟芝芝将说我阿嚒去世了。讲完之后,我在回头想想二姐说了什么。这是的我,才真正领悟到‘阿嚒去世了’这句话。。。眼泪有点儿落框而出。我想专心的听别人present,但我耳朵在听,心里却想着前一晚的事情。

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Happy Trip

Hoh...My trip with my friends (Yin Han and Shu Teng) has finally end. In this few days, I feel very happy. I went to Seremban Yin Han's house and Kapar Shu Teng's house. We went to many places and many things we done together. We went to pasar malam together, we sing K together, watched movie together, eat Dim Sum together, went to Fullhouse together, and many many more...I enjoy my days with them. Both of them are so funny... Love to read love novel till went to buy novel at pasar malam. If there is any free time for them, they can just take out their novel, find a place and start reading it. They are really my cute friends...

This is a four days three nights trip. Hahahaha...a simple trip after we completed our job at Genting. Perhaps, it wil be a good memories before I graduate.

Along my trip, I have spend much. Till myself don't realize that my accounts left not much money. I am really 'dry' now. Shopping at Sunway by just window shopping. Can see but can't buy! What a poor thing...I intend to buy a book cost RM 29.80 at Popular but I left only Rm 29.00 in my wallet. Went to withdraw from my CIMB but RM 9.04 left for the balance. This is the first time I feel like really 'luo po'. Haha...maybe I deserve this for being too spendy after receiving my salary.

Anyway, it is worth because friendship can't be compare with money. Its value is far more than we can imagine!!! Thanks to my dearest friends, Yin Han and Shu Teng... thanks for the sweet memories that you all bring to me. I appreciate it and I hope that both of you enjoy it too...!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


再过七天,我就要和我的同事们还有云顶说bye bye了。现在的我百感交集。但我很清楚的知道,我的感伤是多过于兴奋的。说起来,就快可以回家和家人在一起应该是件值得高兴的事,但我感觉平平而已。可能我本性就不粘家吧。。。所以,就算离乡背井也不会太过想家,只是偶尔地思念起家人来而已。就要和同事们离别了,我的心情不由自主地变沉重了。虽然大家的感情说不上非常非常的好,但毕竟都相处了一个多月的时间,那份情感是存在的。所以,自然而然的,舍不得的心情就会浮现。


歌名:接下来 歌手:孙燕姿

接下来 有好有坏 我只要记得起点
接下来 我去迎接 不后退
接下来 可好可坏 有你们陪在每一天
All I wanna do I do it for you

Thursday, June 3, 2010


今天,原本还带着开开心心的心情去上班的。因为开始觉得与同事间的关系拉近了不少,所以今天的我是带着期待与愉快的心情出门的。但。。。 原来那只是我短暂的快乐。才刚进班不久就有个同事跑过来跟我说:“小心阿yan啊,她会抢你的customers!”我一听之下不知怎么回应她,只是对她笑了笑。我当时在想,为什么她会这么说阿yan,她们不是很好的吗?为什么朋友间还会这样说坏话呢?很多很多的问题出现在我脑海里。我开始心不在焉,而且我也开始害怕了起来。我害怕我会抢了别人的顾客,别人会因而对我闲言闲语的。我不喜欢那样,我真的不喜欢那样。。。


刚才,就出了点状况。因为我在serve customer,另外一个customer又叫我去拿鞋。原本我想就自己来应付的,但我看到阿yan没客人,想说就让她来serve吧!哪知,我发现当她掉头要去拿鞋时的表情很不爽,好像百般的不乐意。我想来想去,还是不明白为什么她会有如此的大转变。接着,我还感觉到她对我的态度也稍微有点不同了。我不知道是不是我太敏感了,但就是感觉怪怪的。。。

这件事有点影响我的情绪,直到6.00pm,我和尹含还有二姐去吃晚餐后才开始有点好转。我想说事情其实没有那么严重,只要我换个角度想,心情自然就会开朗起来的。但是。。。影响我情绪波动的事又再度发生了。我才刚打卡进班,supervisor阿kuan就对我说:“你今天的sales很少哦,才两百多而已。”天啊! 好不容易才让自己的心情好转,现在你这么简单的一句话就轻而易举的把我拉回到了低沉。我真的很生气!是谁的臭主意,要员工个人sales统计!造成所有的员工都你争我抢,尔虞我诈!为什么就不能简简单单,开开心心的工作呢?为什么一定要争?为什么一定要比?我不喜欢与世相争,更不喜欢同事间有任何的笑里藏刀!!!但我能怎么样,我真的很害怕!我害怕和别人抢,但是。。。又不能完全退让。我到底该怎么办?!现在的我,一看到customers就会变得有点退缩,犹豫着要不要上前。太糟糕了!我真的很左右为难啊!



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My 2nd Day of Work

Today is second day of work. I work full shift which is from 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. We have to wake up earlier because we have to reach our shop at 9.30 a.m. to do all those housekeeping jobs. So, I wake up at 8.00 a.m. as soon as I heard my alarm’s sound without any intention to continue sleep like I usually do. I behave abnormally perhaps I haven’t adapted to the new place where I use to be now.

Today, it is actually a good day for me. Everything runs smooth until around 4.30 p.m. Two female customers, from Arab Saudi I guess, came to our shop and they wanted to buy many pairs of shoes. These customers came to us yesterday and they too bought a lot of shoes from us. The different is that the quantity that they purchased yesterday was fewer than today. Therefore, we need not to make delivery for them. But today, they purchase 126 pairs of shoes and they require us to deliver it to them at Highland Hotel.

I had planned to go for an online nearby Starbucks after I finish working. But my plan burns because of this case. Four of us including our supervisor have to make delivery to Highland Hotel. Oh my god!!! How am I going to make it? I brought my laptop beg out with me this morning and I have another handbag to carry. A total of 17 bags need to be sent to the customers with only four crews. Each has to carry 4 bags full of shoes from First World to Highland, together with my laptop bag and handbag, it must be crazy!!! Furthermore, it is not a short distance man… It’s a quite a long distance! You must be kidding me…

After we settle off the entire closing job, we departed to Highland Hotel with all the 17 bags. I carried my bags and 4 bags of shoes from our shop to Highland Hotel. This ‘journey’ really makes me exhausted. I have to stop and take my rest along the way and my colleagues were have to wait for me. Finally, we reached Highland Hotel and my supervisor tried to ask the reception counter. Unfortunately, the reception counter said they are not at Highland Hotels but Genting Hotel. What the xxxx! We have come a long way to Highland and now we have to go back to Genting Hotel! What stupid information did the customers gave until fool us like this! My shoulders were in a pain and I can’t afford that anymore…

At last, we were able to deliver all the shoes to the customers at Genting Hotel. Thanks God… I was damn tired and totally exhausted. I cancel my plan to go to online at Starbucks and straight away go back to hostel.

Saturday, May 15, 2010



不久,我电话响了起来~是二姐。她说车坏了,不能启动。Oh my God..!!!为什么我们的车一直坏呢!前几天爸爸才拿去修理,而且还是因为坏在半路叫人来修理的那一种。原本以为让车子休息一会儿就没事,但没想到它真的完全没反应了。打给爸爸问他怎么办,他说店都关了,唯有把车停在那里,等明天才叫人去修理咯。在没有办法之下,我们也只好这样咯!


我们坐到人们要关店了才离开。离开之前,我们想把车子推到一旁去,以便不会挡到别人的路。就这样,二姐开车,其余的‘五只’(我,tracy,yong,pifang and kailing)就负责推车。推好了车后,大伙儿便走到tracy的车去打算回家了。

出乎我们的预料当中,有一位好心的aunty走向我们,她还主动说要帮我们启动车子。Uncle和aunty把他们的Pajero(BJW 9911)驾过来,然后拿出了夹子夹我们车的engine。我根据uncle的指示把引擎启动。果然,车子‘死以回生’了。。。跟热心的aunty uncle道谢后,我们便赶快回家去了。




Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mission Accomplished

I have an important mission to complete today... Woke up at 6.05a.m. and getting myself prepared. 'Today will be a good day!'. I said to myself when I was brushing my teeth. After me and my sister has done, my dad sent us to the bus stand at 6.45a.m. We have waited for about 45 minutes for the KL bus and finally... there came a bus to KL.

Along our journey to KL, it was quite smooth. But... there was one thing harassing us, that was... WE DIN'T TAKE OUR BREAKFAST! Both of us felt very hungry half of the way, hoping that we can reached KL soon then we can get something to fill our little poor tummy.

After finished our breakfast, we reached Titiwangsa around 10.00a.m. Our tickets to Genting were at 10.20a.m. Therefore, we took a rest to cool down ourself after a long and tired journey. Meanwhile, I saw a very old lady with a very thin and weak body passing by. Like us, she was going to Genting and I saw her buying herself a ticket. What I was thinking about at that moment was that " why was she going to Genting all herself? Wasn't there anyone of her family can accompany her?" I was pity on her...

Everybody was trying to squeeze infront of the bus door although the door was shut. After a few minutes, the bus driver opened the door and everyone was squeeing in pile. After everybody get seated, our bus departed. It was 10.35a.m. and we were heading to Genting...Hooray!!!

We thought that everything will be alright as we have went into the bus. But, a small quarrell occured between the aunties sitting behind us and an uncle sitting beside me. All the aunties were too noisy. They spoke to loud till distrubing the uncle from getting into nap.

Another thing that we never thought of will happen was that our bus get into a breakdown. It took us about 15 minutes for another bus to come and fetch us. And there came another quarrel among aunties. They were argueing simply just because of the seat number. It was actualy not a big deal but yet they can make it so serious. Ish ish ish... How come adults were also bahaved like children? I have totally no idea.

We reached First world at 12.00p.m. My mission today is to get myself a job at Genting. Therefore, without wasting any time, me and my sister started to do so. We shopped around and asked around. There were some shops require part timer and there were some don't. All asked me to filled in a form and come again at 2p.m. There were two shops seem to have greater chances of getting hired and therefore, I waited.

Finally, a shop with shoes hired me. Its supervisor is friendly than the other. That's why I choosen it rather than the other one. After getting myself clear with all the information that I should know, we get back.

I am so happy today cause I can finally get myself a job. I will start working by next week and I can't wait for that time to reach. My feeling is just a kind of confusing. I feel scare although I am excited. Hmm... Whatever so... just let it be...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010



站在对面马路看着那辆van车,一次又一次的start engine,最终还是不能被启动。瞬间,我好想过去帮那车主推车。问过了二姐和妹妹 的同意后,我们便决定上前去给与援助。我问那车主是否需要推车,他尴尬的说了句:“bolehkah?”在毫无顾虑之下,我们三姐妹也就开始推车了。



Friendship Forever 无可取代。友谊

Frienship Forever...无可取代的友谊


感觉真的很好 很有成就感




那时tracy生病了 一个人在宿舍 没人照顾


喂她吃药 陪她聊天

我们闲着没事做 拿起了手机开始玩自拍

因此 三个无聊妞也就这样拍下了这些充满回忆的照片

为了让照片更为精彩 我就把它做成了这个video

Friendship Forever就是这样而来的。。。



